Thursday, March 1, 2012

How to tell negative things to someone without being offensive

        To tell negative things in others, you should show proper respect and deal them in rightful way 
so that he/she cannot be hurt on what particular subject you are telling with. You should start by 
thinking about the problem and say it on most unoffensive way. This manner may reflect into them 
and maybe help them to improve himself/herself to change what negative things they are carrying with.
Well, as for myself I know that we are only human being made by God so I can absolutely prove 
that every people has his/her weakness and I know that this weakness was given to you to test your 
ability and  solve it with God's help. An Optimistic mindset may upset them and do not tell obssesed
words. An intelligent mind may help them to critically increase their capability and do things that may 
affect their feelings in this way of manner. 


  1. Organization - /10
    Content - /20
    Conventions - /10
    Legibility - /10

    Total = /50

    You are correct, we always have to choose the words that we are going to use to say what we have in our minds.

    Your paragraph is good though it could have been better if you provided more specific details.

    Organization - 5/10
    Content - 12/20
    Conventions - 7/10
    Legibility - 6/10

    Total = 30/50

    ‘maybe help them’ = may help them
    ‘every people’ = every individual
    ‘in this way of manner’ (This phrase shows redundancy. You may change or remove this in the sentence.)

    Organization - 7/10
    Content - 15/20
    Conventions - 6/10
    Legibility - 6/10

    Total: 34/50
